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Kim K. Choma, DNP, RN, WHNP


Women’s Health Nurse Practitioner                                    

2560 US Highway 22 East #226                                                

Scotch Plains, NJ 07076                                                                     Cell: 908-337-5006





Highest Earned Degree

Doctorate of Nursing Practice, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, Newark, 2011.



Capstone project:Cervical cancer screenings in adolescents: An evidence-based Internet education program for practice improvement among advanced practice nurses.



Other Earned Degrees, Graduate & Undergraduate

Post-Masters Teaching Certificate in Nursing Education, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, 2011.

Master of Science in Nursing (MSN), Women’s Health Nurse Practitioner (WHNP), Seton Hall University, South Orange, NJ, 2001.

Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN), Thomas Edison State College, Trenton, NJ, 1996.



Certificates and Licenses Held

American Heart Association, ACLS

American Heart Association, BLS-C            

New Jersey Advanced Practice Nurse

New Jersey Registered Professional Nurse                          

Women’s Health Nurse Practitioner                        



Honors and Awards

May 2011. Commencement Speaker: Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, College of Nursing, Graduate Student Address.

College of Nursing, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey. Professional Nurse Traineeship Grant - Academic year 2010-2011.

Sigma Theta Tau, Gamma Nu Chapter Scholarship, 2010.

The American Society for Coloposcopy and Cervical Pathology Colposcopy Mentorship Program, 2008.

Sigma Theta Tau International, Gamma Nu Chapter, induction, 2001.

Top 25 Most Influential Nurses on Twitter, 2016.

“The doctor is in: 13 clinicians to follow on Twitter.”



Clinical Employment History

February 2018 to present. Looking for work, co-wrote2 article on the standards for coloposcopy, wrote 2 chapters in a nursing textbook.

October 11, 2017 to Feb 2018. Locum Tenens with Alliance Recruiting Resources, Inc.RWJ, Dr Margaret Andrin, Branchburg, NJ.

2016-2017. GYN Cancer & Pelvic Surgery. West Orange, New Jersey. Women’s Health Nurse Practitioner- GYN oncology.

2012-2015. Dr. Russell Hoffman, MD. Summit, New Jersey. Women’s Health Nurse Practitioner-OB/GYN.

2009-2011.Abu Alam, MD, PA. Summit, New Jersey.   Women’s health nurse practitioner. OB/GYN.

2006-2009. Center for Advanced Pelvic Surgery. Dr. Labib Riachi. Elizabeth, New Jersey. Women’s Health Nurse Practitioner. OB/GYN, Urogynecology.

2001- 2012. Myroslaw Choma, MD, PhD.Hillside, New Jersey. Women’s health nurse practitioner and office manager.

1996-2001. Myroslaw Choma, MD, PhD.Hillside, New Jersey. Staff nurse & office manager.           

1989 -2000. Overlook Hospital.  Summit, New Jersey. Staff nurse, Labor and Delivery.               


Professional Affiliations

American Academy of Nurse Practitioners

American Nurses Association

American Society for Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology- 

Speaker for “Comprehensive Colposcopy Courses.”

Membership committee,  past committee chair.

Working group member for colpospcopy standards, 2017.

National Association of Nurse Practitioners in Women’s Health

New Jersey State Nurses Association

The Forum of Nurses in Advanced Practice, New Jersey




Choma, KK: ASC-US & HPV Testing. American Journal of Nursing. 103(2): 42-51, 2003.

Choma, KK: Cervical Cancer Screening in Adolescents: A Review of the Evidence for Practice Improvement - Proceedings of the 2012 ASCCP Biennial Scientific Meeting Oral & Poster Abstract Presentations. Journal of Lower Tract Disease. 12(5): S1-S33, April, 2012.

Choma, K. & McKeever, A. Cervical Cancer Screening in Adolescents: An Evidence-Based Internet Education Program for Practice Improvement Among Advanced Practice Nurses. Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing. WVN 2014;00:1-11. DOI: 10.1111/wvn.12071.

Choma, K. Chapter 50, “Assessment of Reproductive System” inMedical-Surgical Nursing: Assessment & Management of Clinical Problems; 10thedition, 2017.

McKeever, A. & Choma, K. Chapter 52, “Female Reproductive & Genital Problems” inMedical-Surgical Nursing: Assessment & Management of Clinical Problems; 10thedition, 2017.

Wentzensen, Nicolas; Massad, L. Stewart; Mayeaux, Edward J. Jr.; Khan, Michelle J.; Waxman, Alan G.; Einstein, Mark H.; Conageski, Christine; Schiffman, Mark H.; Gold, Michael A.; Apgar, Barbara S.; Chelmow, David; Choma, Kim K.; Darragh, Teresa M.; Gage, Julia C.; Garcia, Francisco A.R.; Guido, Richard S.; Jeronimo, Jose A.; Liu, Angela; Mathews, Cara A.; Mitchell, Martha M.; Moscicki, Anna-Barbara; Novetsky, Akiva P.; Papasozomenos, Theognosia; Perkins, Rebecca B.; Silver, Michelle I.; Smith, Katie M.; Stier, Elizabeth A.; Tedeschi, Candice A.; Werner, Claudia L.; Huh, Warner K.Evidence-Based Consensus Recommendations for Colposcopy Practice for Cervical Cancer Prevention in the United States. Journal of Lower Genital Tract Disease. 21(4):216-222, October 2017.

Mayeaux, Edward J. Jr; Novetsky, Akiva P.; Chelmow, David; Choma, Kim; Garcia, Francisco; Liu, Angela H.; Papasozomenos, Theognosia; Einstein, Mark H. Systematic Review of International Colposcopy Quality Improvement Guidelines. Journal of Lower Genital Tract Disease. 21(4):249-257, October 2017.


Podium Presentations


The 2006 Consensus Guidelines for the Management of Women with Abnormal Pap Screening Tests: Updates and FAQs. March, 2009. Northern NJ Chapter of the Forum of Nurses in Advanced Practice.

Cervical Cancer Screening in Adolescents: Development of an eLearning Program for Practice Improvement. 30thAnnual International Interprofessional Technology Conference, New Brunswick, NJ. April, 2012.

Updates to Cervical Cancer Screening: Who, When & Why. November, 2012 and September, 2013. Northern and Southern NJ Chapters of the Forum of Nurses in Advanced Practice.

Abnormal Pap? What to do with that? November 2013. Northern Chapter of the NJ Forum of Nurses in Advanced Practice.

Invited Speaker, ‘Cervical Cancer Screening: Building Upon the Pap Test’s Success by Using Today’s Technology to Maximize Benefits & Minimize Harm When Choosing a Screening Technology.’  Papanicolaou Symposium & Reception. Boston University.  May 13, 2015. Presented by the New England Hellenic Medical and Dental Society in conjunction with the Consulate General of Greece in Boston, the Consulate General of Israel to New England and Boston University School of Medicine.

“Comprehensive Coloposcopy.” The American Society for Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology. Faculty. San Diego, Ca. July 21-25, 2015.

“Breast Health, Normal and Benign and Bad Things You don’t want to find.” With Dr. David Boxer. Northern Chapter of the NJ Forum of Nurses in Advanced Practice. Oct. 10, 2017


Relevant Consulting Experience


2012-2017- Speaker and Training Consultant.

Northeast Caribbean Center AETC

Training consultant for the “Cervical Cancer Screening in HIV-Infected Women” presentation and “Cervical Pap Test Training Program for Clinical Providers.”

Ongoing didactic classes 2-3 times per year.

Contact Nadine Nader

2013-Present- Speakers Bureau/ Advisory Board

Hologic Inc. Bedford, MA.

Industry lectures to health care professional regarding cervical cancer screenings, clinical advancements in the management of abnormal uterine bleeding and updates in screening for sexually transmitted infections.


Community Service


Our Lady of Lourdes Church, Mountainside, New Jersey. – Ongoing.                                                                Parish Nurse, Blood Drive Coordinator. Eucharistic Minister.

2003-2009. Deerfield Middle School, Mountainside, New Jersey. PTA, committee member of Fashion Show.

2004-2007. Mountainside Cub Scouts- Secretary and trip coordinator.

2010-2014. Seton Hall Preparatory High School. -Mother’s Auxiliary member and advisor. Co-chair of Mother-Son Dinner, 2011, 2012 & 2013.

2017-2018 Mountainside Board of Health committee member.


© 2023 By Kim Choma

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